Saturday, February 13, 2010

Discipline Priest Tier 10 Bonus Review: not that bad!

Disc Priest Tier 10 Gear, and its (dis)contents:
After only hearing bad news about our healing set, I was hesitant to venture down this road; but at last, last night, I finally bit the bullet and purchased the 4 piece set to give it a trial run of my own.  

While the tier 10 bonuses hasn't had a warm reception so far, especially for those with negative-healing (preventative) roles, my experience has been a little more ...positive.   

So far I've given it a limited healing test: a full ICC10 clear, coupled with a holy paladin tank-healer. There is a 25 man addendum to follow, these are my findings thus far.

My findings:
  1. Gives around 4-5 second shorter CD on my 8 sec penance CD, not counting borrowed time*. 
  2. There's no inner CD: back-to-back procs!  
  3. Natural feel and enjoyable to use.
  4. Added utility, extra ability.

*I.e., approx: 1.7 sec penance + 1.3 sec FH = 3 sec => penance.

Natural feeling:
I didn't have any problem getting used to it. I set Power Auras Classic to give a visual and audible notification for my Flash Heal! proc, similar to my setup for 'Surge of Light.' And it didn't take long to get used to: upon hearing the proc, I would naturally plot the remainder of my Penance-FH-Penance combo. And that's how it felt, like a 3 move combo. Or when double procing, a fantastic 6 move combo!

Of course you can't count on the proc; but, when it hits you know you have a hefty 1-2-3 move on your hands -- a serious burst towards your choice of 1 to 3 targets.  

In practice, when I was healing Lich King (LK) last night, it was our guild's first 10 man LK kill and the Penance-FH-Penance combo definitely came in handy on many occasions. And it was a little exciting each time, like knowing you have a winning ace up your sleeve.

Two Piece Bonus:
I agree with the community on this, with some exceptions. The two piece bonus for negative-healing is virtually worthless.

For tank healing it's presumably decent. Granting a theoretical 10.89% extra healing to your Flash Heal, assuming it procs a perfect 33 out of 100 times and doesn't over heal.
On healing Dreamwalker, the bonus can be quite remarkable -- up to %14 of your healing done in this (expectational) case. Results vary (a lot), but since the HoT has no overheal on Dreamwalker, she offers an ideal scenario for the bonus.

For general raid duty however, it gives something like .01% to .6% of your total healing, for the night -- around the same value as the 4pc T9 bonus is for negative-healers.

Four Piece, Is It Worth It?
Despite the two piece bonus, or lack there of in most cases, I think its worth it. The alternative is to pick up haste instead of the spirit, and skip any bonus whatever. Now forgetting the four piece bonus for a moment, strictly in terms of stats, our choice is either haste or spirit. On this evaluation alone, I lean towards spirit. I'll settle for borrowed time for haste and spirit to help maintain my mana pool. 

So on pure stats, since we have to choose haste or spirit, one or the other, I would choose spirit. Now, bring in the bonus, and the balance tips a little further towards the tier gear.

The four piece bonus might not give a noticeable HPS increase over the haste gear, if at all. But throughput isn't a major concern either, my ehps still ranked 3rd for Lich King last night on World of Logs.  

For its fun and utility, and given the alternatives, our T10 is definitely a respectable gearing choice.

Provisional Addendum: 
After a few attempts on 25 man Lich King using the 4pc, I found it questionably weak over the 2pc T9.5. 

Namely, when given the choice to either Penance an Infest or shield it, I would opt to shield the Infest -- the remainder of the shield carry's into the next infest -- and let the druids' HoTs do the positive healing. Additionally, PoM does a great job at picking up slack on Infest. Without further testing however, it's over-all effectiveness is still questionable.

Our phase five of LK would likely have benefited more from additional Penance than +20% PoMs, as many targets needed not merely shield-capping but also rapid burst healing. Stat wise, the differences between the two sets are fairly negligible -- at this stage

Using the 2pc T9.5, I produced the top ranking healing parse on WoL for 25 man Lich King, of any class to date.